Tuesday, August 31, 2010

this morning.

was a half-day. teacher's day celebrations.
we were allowed to come in anything we like.
well, except coming in nothing, i guess.
so i just grabbed some shorts, my bigass Quicksilver shirt, my jacket, some socks and my shoes.
i had a horrid cold shower but my dad offered to send me to school.
i said ok, and reached school at 7:28.


someone noticed my damn cool helicopter headphones.
which sucked compared to my old one.
the plug kept falling out of the jack.

everything seemed sleepy until,
we realized Zhen Yu managed to get his hands on some doll that resembled a woman with C-cup to D-cup boobs, an open mouth, quite a big ass and ... okay, a bit too much details? BUT. the best part about this doll was, when it was squeezed, the sound it made sounded like a sex moan. it caused much amusement in our class. after a while, people took to pressing the doll multiple times in rapid succession. doing this does not allow the doll to finish one moan. moan continuously and rapidly, like being banged hard and fast. (i know im not pure, but hey, that's a fact. sex is taboo here in Singapore. that's probably why we keeping harping about it. blame the upstairs people for not giving us good sex ed. well, i've read recently in the news that the government has been happy about the sex ed we're getting for years, but news flash: sex ed questionable? oh well. not like i care. it's not my problem anyway.) then, someone came up with the idea of giving it to our nice english teacher. nice IP Man. so, we went down to the plaza for morning assembly.

that's when there was a bit of solemn news.
well, i'm a bit reluctant to illustrate my thoughts through this bit of news.
so let's just say there are a few rigid old people out there who's so hipped about behaviour.
let me give it straight to your face - i consider that stupid, rigid and narrow-minded.

yes, people consider the word offensive.
apparently, some bastards out there feel that it's a crime that warrants butt-flaming.
well, the guy was an idiot to scream an expletive out loud in an attire which makes his link to a certain institution crystal-clear in the first place. even i think that was stupid. want to say vulgarities in public, wear some normal clothes so that it won't affect others! spoil my mood some more. i do feel sympathy for the guy, screaming vulgarities is something i do everyday. i can't help it, there's at least one thing that upsets me everyday. life ain't perfect. nothing is. otherwise it can't get better. well so nothing's perfect, much less any day of the week. of the month. of the year. of the century. of your life. and especially when the situation is VERY upsetting, a string of obscenities just comes pouring out of your mouth. oh yes! blame it on the media! western influence! that's what we chinese do anyway. any problems with the young people? blame it on the ang moh. one thing i can say is, problem is with sense of restraint. whatever, that's enough of finding fault with myself, let the flaming of other people begin.

these people that complain.
ah well, can't really blame them. complain complain complain. 'dis singaporeans. whole day only know how to complain. complain some more! some more! SOME MORE!

well, the guy who kena butt flame, HE started it.
BUT my problem is not with him.
MY PROBLEM IS WITH the KNNBCCB who confirm the guy is going to kena butt flame.
i find that guy sickening. i don't know him. perhaps if i did, i would be more forgiving. but because i don't know him, i find him sickening. despicable, detestable, SICK TO THE CORE. i don't want to put myself in that guy's stinking shoes,

because if i did,

I call myself a FUCKING HYPOCRITE to my face.

cause vulgarities are something i use everyday. i can't say much against using vulgarities without being a filthy hypocrite.

what went through my head was, must be some old bigmouthed gossipy aunty with nothing better to do. as i said before, i find this person stupid, rigid and narrow-minded. what the guy who kena butt flame did was stupid, and it was offensive, therefore inconsiderate. but hear this, he was no more inconsiderate than the old bigmouthed gossipy aunty.

ok, so this comment which i put up on facebook should nicely summarise what i want to say.

no, it's just sad. people go around using vulgarities because they're upset with the little quirks of life. i don't see anything wrong about that. it's just that some people with nothing better to do go and butt-flame people for doing so. even though the guy is pretty stupid to scream an expletive in school attire, i can't help feeling that the person who lodged a complaint in the first place is a filthy hypocrite who refuses to abandon their old ideas about being conservative and has nothing better to do. where the hell has freedom of speech gone? people don't understand the extent of how much you feel if you don't express it fully. and you have nothing much to vent your frustration on. a vulgarity doesn't damage, doesn't lower efficiency, it's not illegal, doesn't pollute, doesn't contribute to global warming, and it doesn't kill. why be so hipped on this kind of thing, i don't really get it. just be happy, it doesn't matter, vulgar or not. i think the guy should sincerely apologise though. he ruined not just his reputation, but ours as well. he's an idiot to not know that one screaming a single expletive in school attire will fire off at least ONE complaint; some people - all they can do is complain. come to think of it, it's lucky there's only one complaint. i don't like it cause it was like forced. if the guy regrets it and he's killing the bastard who got him into this shit with a chainsaw in his head over and over, i don't think i would mind so much.

i'm leaving the part about the library to the next post.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

prelim 3 starts tomorrow.

actually, now that i really think about it, i think i'll actually like going around doing community service if it wasn't for cip hours and just for cip hours.

Monday, August 23, 2010

same old books,
same old exam,
same old shit.

if this goes on, i hate my life.
when i say i want you, i mean i want your mind, your body and your soul.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


implications upon implications.

oral theme: library/reading.

convo question:
1. tell me about a task you failed to complete on time.
2. technology has made books redundant. do you agree?


screwed up.

but at least i got the pretty face teacher who look sian at first to nod and smile (:
wah lau, my turn to be sian.

ps.lost my earphones. fuck it man.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

well gang, there's good news and bad news.

1. my English O-level Oral Examination is in two days.

good: i still have two days to practice and absorb whatever i can.
bad: i only have two days to practice and absorb whatever i can.

2. my shirt is getting too small (now that i really think about it, n1 peiqi).

good: i am growing.
bad: i somehow have to get away with not being able to button my collar on thursday.

3. my dad's getting addicted to ice-cream.

good: i get to eat ice-cream every day.
bad: I'll get fatter than i am now.

(my dad getting fat is totally none of my business).

4. i have a whole shitstorm of 5702 syllabuses to study for.

good: the urgency of the situation makes me want to mug my ass off.
bad: the very daunting amount of stuff to study for dampens my will to study.

5. i now sleep more.

good: i get more rest.
bad: i spend less time studying.

6. i am blogging nonsense now.

good: i am getting points off the top off my head means i can crap my way through during oral.
bad: i am not studying.

there's a lot more good/bad news, but to hell with those. that's why i don't take history. why dig up the past, when you have the precious, momentous present to focus on and a whole fucking future ahead of you to determine?

speaking of future, i need to have a bigger knowledge pool for olevel oral.
i think i'm gonna absorb more information from political speeches now.


i'm not the IT type so just copy+paste if you wanna read onto the address bar.
jy for o level oral.
especially 4-5! jiayou people! 2 days for us, ten minutes for each of us to show the examiners what we can do! and, to quote from kianhee, "a stepping stone for your a1!"

oh and, i'm also practicing oral by reading chem texts aloud until i fall asleep.


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

changed blog url.

sorry to be such a bother people, but i wanted to change my blog URL. i don't mind if you're not gonna bother to relink.

Monday, August 9, 2010

so, p6 gathering today.
only 6+1 of us turn up.
gathering what gathering, please lor.
7 people out of one whole class, can do shit ar.
but anyway, was quite ok.
had fun (:
cept, that cute girl last minute cannot come.
say what, her mum don't allow.
i think is also she because she see i coming.
so she scared that i go and do stupid stuff to her again or what.
(i'm trusting you people to not xiang wai over here.)
so, her "mum don't allow", just an excuse lah.
but heck la. as my good good friend said, for all we know she's having her menses today.
so, heck.
studying, and planning to mug my ass off tomorrow.
(though my ass will still probably be on me by the end of the day.)



Sunday, August 8, 2010

long time no blog.

well, hello there!

okay i know this video is damn old but. :/
pcps 6C gathering tomorrow. yay!
well, i wanna hit on this cute girl from my p6 class but
yeah, i'm pretty scared she has a boyfriend already, she's so cute.
well, whatever, i'm doing this because i don't want my blog to die.
till after O's then, i guess.
