Monday, September 28, 2009

you never know...

To the world, you may be one person.
But to one person, you may be the world.

P.S. I love you, Lok Lam.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

bird shit on my head today.
i'm so pissed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i didn't do any homework today.

honestly, i don't see the point in trying to do homework when you can't even get yourself to get up and do it. Every time i try, i can't even lift up my hand to hold a pen, much less write with it.

i've been coughing and having running nose since two days ago. Not been feeling well since.

so today my mum got me to see a doctor. He gave me two sets of pills and bottled cough medicine, and they cost $34.

so i went home. quick lunch, quick shower. When I came out of the shower I had to dry my hair thoroughly. Then, as soon as my hair was dry, I went to slack on my bed and stare int
o space. i like creating patterns on the ceiling!

after some lying down I decided I had to get up or else suffer doing nothing the entire day. so i went ONLINE and reminded myself again.


Plane Geometry.

I think that i'm going to screw this up in eoy anyway. so to hell with it, and leave it there to rot. but i studied it anyway.

-geom properties of circles.
-midpoint thm.
-intercept thm.

-tangent-secant thm.

all these can go and die.

...for a while, before i got distracted again.

I was intrigued by daryl's newest note on facebook. Quoted from alvin's blog, which is in turn quoted from apple

so i read alvin's blog.

for 1hour, then i actually went to ace-learn (or
whatever the hell it is) to see the tutorials for plane geometry. And then I remembered ---

Another headache there.
I didn't bother to do it in the end anyway, i had to study plane geometry. And I don't plan on chionging it now.

I hate stats. Too many numbers.

-standard deviation.

all these can go and die.

So. Here it is ---

courtesy of


I sought advice from Lok Lam. He told me read the textbook.

So I did. It worked! Now I have better understanding of the periodic table. Given that i was sleepy that lesson. Thanks lok lam. love you.

I've got stomachache now. I think I better turn in early.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

something happened to my heart.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Love is patient,
Love is kind.
It does not envy,
It does not boast,
It is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

---1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Sunday, September 20, 2009

study lah!

sian lar, my chinese file spoil again ):
I just can't stand my neighbourhood.
I don't know why. They just give me hell.
Damn you neighbours. Blearrh.

Friday, September 18, 2009

found my chinese book!

under my table when I came to school!
No need to worry about it any more!


Happy Hari Raya!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

No more chinese book.

left it in the school toilet and realised it 11+ hrs later.
really can't believe myself.
I don't know what to do now...
study study study.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

La Romanesca

It's a nice song, go try it out!

Exams coming up, so stressed!

Trying to learn how to spell glomerulus -

1.In the kidney, a tiny ball-shaped structure composed of capillary blood vessels actively involved in the filtration of the blood to form urine. The glomerulus is one of the key structures that make up the nephron, the functional unit of the kidney.


Found my bio notes in school, cause for celebration!
(I realised I lost it on the saturday before school reopened for term 4)

Thanks 3-5 buds!

I've learnt how to spell glomerulus now.


All topics going for full syllabus!
die liao!
especially geog, forgot everything about plate tectonics liao!
weather and climate! ('cause most of the time I was trying not to fall asleep!)

social studies, test next week! die!
chemistry, drawing of electronic structure and preparation of salt die liao!
english, ok bah, all along always ok one
lit, aiyah, cannot make it!
bio, OMG! (or quintus one, ZOMGAWDBBQ!)
havent memorise all the crap yet!

i surrender.

homework time): bb.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Somewhat, somehow.

I should be studying now.
I should be studying chinese.
But how to when I can't motivate myself to finish that shitload of work?
I only get the push in memorising those nice big words for the essay.
How am I going to live my life like this...
I feel so down...

Tell me when you'll give me those balloons, so I can rise up again.

I'm done watching Boys Over Flowers.
And I found my bio file - cause for celebration!
Actually I dunno what to write.
So bye.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


The most unfortunate encounters are like fish bones.

The longer the encounter, the more the fishy smell sticks to you.


Encounters to be cautious about are like a flower blossom.

Because it brings exuberance during full bloom,

but gets discarded when wilted.


The most beautiful encounters are like handkerchiefs.

They wipe away your

sweat when you're

tired, and


tears when you're



So true!


I really like this verse.

------------------------------------Boys over flowers, episode 22

I'm going now.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

happy birthday blogspot.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey everyone!
How's life?

Life is great!

What's a stalactite?

-a deposit, usually of calcium carbonate, shaped like an icicle, hanging from the roof of a cave or the like, and formed by the dripping of percolating calcareous water.


don't ask me what percolating is.

i can try calcareous - maybe it means containing calcium.

calcium is good for your bones!

and for those who don't take/don't study/have not studied chemistry, calcium carbonate is CaCO3. It reacts with an acid to form a calcium salt, carbon dioxide{CO2} and water{H2O}. For instance, using hydrochloric acid{HCl}...

2HCl (aq) + CaCO3 (s) ---> CaCl2 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

CaCl2 is calcium chloride and is soluble in water.

So much for digressing...

So, on to introducing myself!

I'm an average student at Catholic High School with not-so-average grades!

所谓 “公教只有三种学生:

To fellow cathigh students, doesn't matter if it's not in order right :p

Both my maths are going on well. Yay! That's a cause for celebration right?

Both my sciences suck. Awww...chem&bio...haiya...

My humanities suck too, but not as bad as my sciences though. hahah, but they still suck.

...darling, can i be honest with you?

...what? sciences suck.

my english WILL survive, and hopefully my chinese too.

I'm taking O-Level chinese this year!


so by right I should be studying now.

But I don't feel like studying anyway.

No...not that I don't feel like studying, but I just can't bring myself to study.

Hate studying.

Especially when I got other things in mind...oh no...

what's wrong with me. haiya.

Ya la, call me a dipshit for sighing so much and being so depressed for nothing.

I'm from Cathigh band - CHSSB!

Estate Manager. Tiring job! Haiya.

Cannot slack. NO SLACKING.

看什么看?不爽吗?想打吗?本人做上了 estate manager又怎么样?

2nd Cornet player!

Sorry lah I not 1st! i not that pro mah!

All right I shall shut up now.

This post quite long liao, I think I should stop here.


bye-bye everyone!

I like BOF*!

*BOF: Boys Over Flowers
