Monday, March 29, 2010

late for school again ~

I thought I should write about this, it's epic. not that being late for school is epic, BUT why i was late for school is epic. Well, to tell the truth, i really miss hawaii. The whole of my mind is in Hawaii, and i'm damn tired. I DON'T WANT TO BE IN SINGAPORE. I WANT HAWAII! but like wei hao said, who doesn't. -.-

Anyway, i woke up dazed and disoriented this morning at 6:50am, which is pretty reasonable timing considering I live like a mrt stop away from school - it's the walking part that's hell, though walking time is variable. might take 20 minutes one day, 5 minutes the next. I was still dreaming of Hawaii and I didn't want to wake up. To be precise, i was dreaming of a certain someone i met in hawaii, but let's not go into details kay :D haha. by the way, i'm listening to I'VE GOT A FEELING, which so reminds me of the dance in Hawaii. kay i'm gonna sing along.
damn i wanna dance. :o

I had a ton of stuff to return to band.

first, i've got my instrument. (which includes my case, mute, cloth, oils, grease, whatever.)
next, i've got 2 stands (thank god they're light, foldable and portable).
then, i've got two files of music sheets.
and then again, i've got a set of keys (which i left at home).
and then, i've got another folder stuffed with scores (which i left at home).

so i ended up having a packed bag of stuff, one cornet case complete with all the stuff inside, and 2 stands. They're not exactly heavy, but they're so cumbersome. people stared as I walked down the street. KUA LAN JIAO AR? Anyway, I left home at about 7:15am, which is reasonable timing considering i need like 20 minutes to get to school if i didn't leave my sense of urgency in the toilet. I walked (more like staggered) all the way to the MRT station, which is, admittedly, quite a distance from home. And carrying one weighty instrument case, one weighty backpack and two weighty stands there is no joke, seriously. I wasn't exactly sweating when i got there, but man was i tired! so as usual, I walked up to the MRT gantry at 7:25am++. and i patted my wallet against that damn scanner so it could eat my money.

nothing happened.

i tried again, tapped my wallet like i always did so i could pass. nothing. the detector didn't beep, the gates didn't open. dammit let me pass! exasperated, i put down whatever i was holding and wholeheartedly put my wallet properly on the scanner and press it there. no response. by that time i was cursing that damn thing for wasting my time. next time i practically slapped my wallet onto the scanner. still, that stubborn thing refused to respond.

i opened my wallet and immediately found the problem.

my ezlink card was absent.

and i panicked. it was 7:31am. i stood there thinking for a while, and i actually considered asking people for spare change so i could buy a standard ticket (which costs S$3.10). $3.10?? THAT'S ROBBERY! PAY $3.10 just to avoid being late for school? no's not worth it. totally not worth it. so i ran back home. and then i *fast forward* i ended up being late. damn -.-

ok i will stop cos im tired. write about hawaii another time. cross country tmr.
