Tuesday, March 16, 2010

this is what happened to me one fine sunny morning,

this morning, when i passed by st gabriel's primary school, got a few kids at their outside stare at me, stare stare stare, stare what stare, dunno kua lan jiao or what. then they point at me, point point point, point what point, zhizhidiandian what zhizhidiandian. then one of them say what i phoa chu kang ar? siao ah gao. i don't want teach them bad thing ar, or else i point middle finger tell them stfu already ar. stupid bunch of kids. tsktsk, kids nowadays ar, dunno how their parents guan jiao them one. never mind, heck care them. not my problem. i have a reputation for being a good boy, and i wanna keep them up. im not gonna lose my reputation of being a good boy by pointing middle finger up their ass and telling them stfu ar. hahahah, fucking losers. i wonder why they like that one. never mind lar, none of my business. i got my own shit to busy with. i not so bo liao. not like them. hmph. tomorrow i bring knife go scare them ah. see whether they still what point point stare stare shout shout or not. muahahaha. and for the kids, here's a tip. you don't know who you're aggravating, it might be a normal person but it might be a terrorist. muahahaha. just watch out man. one more time im gonna solo rape all of you and stuff money up your ass ar. like the five dollar story like that. hmph.
