Tuesday, October 27, 2009

i'm fed up already!

chinese o-level papers are killing me.

i'm feeling fed up with the crazy chinese intensive thingy that the CHS chinese department came up with since i-don't-know-when.

they make us sit through 2 hours of lectures on compos and paper2s, and in the auditorium with those damn small tables which drop your stuffs the moment you're not careful. good thing they made normal chinese people go to the LT, where the tables are more prone to giving way.

some of us really appreciate the effort. even though it's damn boring, i try to listen. i've found out, not too long ago, that jotting down notes helps to bring down the ZZ monster. doodling helps too, but i'm not about to scrawl any crap all over my chinese notes.

still, i somehow can't bring myself to do the chinese papers they gave out. i guess i lack the discipline, because i get bored after 20 minutes of FOCUS and start playing pokemon. and during the chinese intensive thingy itself, i find myself not focusing on what the teacher is saying, but instead focusing on trying not to fall asleep. being the good boy i am, i always put up valiant efforts not to fall asleep during class. i always teeter on the brink of falling asleep, but i manage to force my eyes open again...somehow. although i'm proud to say that these efforts have never found me dead to the world during class, i have to admit that once the ZZ monster attacks, i can never get anything else from lessons.

anyways, i have to go for dinner now. THEN i've gotta chiong chinese homework. no slacking. NO MORE.

i saw shawn tan in the mirror on Monday. i was putting down my stuff, and i looked into the mirror on a whim.

in a flash.

shawn tan replaced my image and instantaneously vanished.

but not before i saw him.

it left me disturbed. freaked out.

i don't want to be a shawn tan.

all right. time to eat. eat eat!


Friday, October 23, 2009

hey everyone!

script check started some time ago.& it ended hours ago.
for those itching to know my results, sorry for the delay. was busy reading twilight&eclipse - stephenie meyer.

anyway. here's a quick summary of my results.

english lang.

essay - fear. 23/30.

paper 2.
compre - 16.5
summary - 14.5
total - 31/50



chinese lang.


letter: 11/20.
compo: 31/50.
total: 42/70.

total: 55/70.



paper1 - 38/40.
paper2 part1: 12/15.
paper2 part 2: 27/45.

ULTIMATUM: 78%. woohoo!


paper1: 26/40.
paper 2: 48/60.

ULTIMATUM: 72.5 roundup=73%.


answer booklet A: 0/25.
answer booklet B: 18/31.
section C: 15.5/24.

ULTIMATUM: 46.5 roundup=47%


section b: 40.5/50
section c: 20/30

ULTIMATUM: 76.5 roundup=77% woohoo!

qn1: 13/25.

ULTIMATUM: 28/50 = 56%

at least i passed!

source-based: 12/13.
essay: 7/12.

ULTIMATUM: 19/25 = 76% woohoo!

mockingbird: 21/25
unseen (poem) : 18/25

ULTIMATUM: 39/50 = 78% woohoo!

combined humans: (76+78)/2= 77% woohoo!

so my L1R5...


english=69% B3


combined=77% A1


chem=77% A1

others of my choice.


emaths=73% A2

addmaths= 78% A1

total: 11.

okay lar, not so bad.

but there goes my laptop...

daddy promised me a new laptop for 4A1s.


band is fun!
triumphant fanfare sectionals=got too high.

so our dear band director send our dear xian zhe down to see what trumpet section doing (think because he heard me, sing too loud liao bah).

anyways. this post super long liao, i wanna stop here.


enjoy post-eoy life!

study for chinese 0-level.



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

isn't it a nice day today?

yet another day has passed.
really. time flies. regardless of whether you have fun or not.
arh. whatever.
anyways, i think i had a pretty eventful day today.
first period english. didn't do anything. practically.
then after that, went for geog. watched a movie on victoria falls and its rapids. so cool.& people tried to paddle through the big ones.
and then. bio was abit more interesting. went through spa. got 19/25, which is high for me considering that i used to fail. but lok lam just had to get 23/25. damn you lok lam. i hate your guts. (doesn't mean i hate you though.) and he gave out this holiday practice worksheet. it was only then that i realised i'd forgotten how to define translocation. gotta look that up.

so our dear bio teacher seemed to have realised that i'm the one who left the whole booklet A out. just thinking about it is agonising. it hurts my heart. ouch.
yup. anyway. he confirmed that i was the idiot who left the entire section out. alvin was laughing, so i couldn't help smiling as i said yarh. lok lam was...well, lok lam was unresponsive. he asked me if it was because i didn't know how to do it. &i was like, hello, are you fcking insulting my intelligence? then what the fcking fck did i fcking study one whole fcking day for? (sorry. a bit fcked up here. dammit, i really have to kick this habit.) nonono. because i didn't see it. so i painstakingly explained to him, but succinctly, how it happened. he didn't look just interested, maybe he even looked taken aback (astonished!) alvin was laughing, so lok lam said matter-of-fact-ly, true what. he left one whole section out.

oh please! i left it out! not that i don't know how to do, but i completely forgot that there would be 1, 2 and 3 before 4! dammit! maybe because i did too much cramming.



&in fact,

why are you asking me if i left out 3 consequential questions because i don't know how to do them? do i fcking look like a fcking fcktard to you? hey, i might have failed my bio last last term. but if you really look closely, even if i don't know how to do these questions, i was still man enough to try tackling it before skipping to other questions to save time right? i mean fill in the easy parts and scribble some crap on the ones i totally don't know.

awright. maybe i was a bit too unreasonable. its really retarded of me to leave one whole section out and not realise it until the end of the paper.

anyway, shawn tan is an interesting topic by himself. i'll see what i can write about him. his mum is so scary, it's almost hilarious.

i really can't think of what else to put up. so bye.

Friday, October 16, 2009

my mum's philosophy of life is freaking me out. seriously.
sure, birds of the same feather flock together. people who score sly-high (sorry, sky-high) tend to congregate and spend time with each other. well, which is probably why we have segregation, which is bad.

but that still makes sense.

the part i refuse to believe.

that people make friends based on marks.


that will mean, no friendship.

no real friends.

really. my parents are trying to psycho me into thinking that. so i'd get better marks.

you can't get what we want by twisting my mind.

then would there be any true friends in the world?

and please.

even if this is what it means to be smart and live life the RIGHT way, i'd rather be stupid and live life the WRONG way.

damn disturbing.

no more crap from your mouth, please.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

i think i'm starting to become insane.
Brian Foo said EOYs have snapped his sanity string.
I think's mine's snapped too.

For some reason, I don't feel motivated to study. Although chinese o-levels are less than a month away.

For another, I've begun to sass my parents. I don't know how it happens. I was playing pokemon. i was pretty frustrated because of the kezillion zubats swooping around and the billions of krabbys creeping around seafoam islands. and i can't find lugia. so my mum came along, exclaimed to me what a messy person i am and told me off. she told me to file up all the waste papers (worksheets that were never done, fulscap papers which are inscribed with numbers, doodles and offensive portraits, etc, etc) in new files.

Pissed, I began to shoot my mouth off (ie.订嘴).

So, i managed to piss my mum off with (not surprisingly) ease.

but i ended up filing up all the shit anyway. waste my time. blearrh.

oh, and when the loose sheets flew about when the wind howled, i screamed fck you, do that again and i'll kill ya at the papers, but my mum didn't give me the wtf look like people usually do when you scream at inanimate objects for "hurting" you, giving you trouble, etc, etc. she just gave me the you-shouldn't-say-rude-words-and-behave-like-that-whatever-the-situation-is kind of look. I guess she's used to it already.

seriously, i don't fcking know what the fcking fck her fcking problem fcking is lar. when she sees something "messy", ie. papers kiapped in folders (at least i bother to), a stack of books higher than my knee (my legs are pretty short anyway), etc, etc, she tells me to file them up/keep them neatly. waste my time. waste anything from fifteen minutes to an entire evening.

i end up losing stuff because of that. like my ss notes (which i found the evening before ss eoys).

fortunately or unfortunately, that turned out to be the least of my problems.

right, we all know how badly i screwed up bio right? yah, it really is fcking retarded. more retarded than SOME PEOPLE can ever be.

for those who don't know what happened to me and my bio paper, kindly refer to the last post to see how fcked up it was.

anyway, when i was watching people play handball, i suddenly felt depressed. the sky looked bleak. my future seems bleak. black clouds again. so i told yi herng i might be depressed because of the sky. Look at the sky. It looks bleak.

then he told me to look at the bright side lar.

true. Although the sky looked bleak on my left, it seemed a pleasant day on my right.


anyway, i told lok lam i was depressed.

wesley was a great source of comfort. thanks wesley.

lok lam told me, at least you're normal right. you can be depressed. i can't be depressed.

i was like. um. sure boh.

so. ll gave me a hint. he told me everytime he felt sad, he'd go emo.

then he'd find himself asking himself, "why am i sad?"

then he don't know what he's sad for. so he'd go happy again.

i think living life happy is way better living life sad. true! VERY true.

i admired how he gets back up again. his mood is like an exponential graph - always going up. mine is like a sine curve. i suppose. when i'm happy, i'd find myself thinking of something sad. then i'll *gloom* again. But when i'm sad, there's some source of comfort, either myself or a good friend. sometimes, telling yourself it's no good mulling over it, it's over already after all or why the fck should i fcking care? make this fcking problem get the fck out of my fcking life! i fcking wanna fcking live a fcking happy fcking life! or wallowing in self-pity helps for a while. Then there's always someone/something to laugh with/laugh at. like ll.

so, from this day onwards, i'll have to start learning from ll the key to becoming a forever-cannot-be-depressed kind of person.

so i'll (gladly!) call him --


so. yah. ive got to go now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

post-exam life.

exams over for one day now. phew.
today i brought my grandma to AMK polyclinic.
long queue):
my grandma got high systolic blood pressure (143mmHG, >140=high).

i'm playing pokemon gold now.
owned the elite four flat,
but saw RED in Mt. Silver and he owned me flat.
Lv81 Pikachu.


My team:

Lv56Shiny Gyrados

ok bah, tmrw's gonna be a long day
cant wait for next chapter of bleach to come out

hiyori's legs kena chop off, then show ichigo after he win ulqorria.

naruto isn't really exciting any more

moon's eye plan. cheem.

madara uchiha smarter than me lor.

4th ninja war siah.

haiya. this people just wanna keep on fighting. peace, people. PEACE!

alright, shut up now.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey all.

i think everyone's feeling a whole lot better after the eoys. that is, everyone other than the pure art people, the pure music people, the pure physical education people, pure english literature people, the pure chinese literature people, the elective english literature people and the elective chinese literature people. Fortuneately or unfortuneately, I happen to fall under one of these categories.

everyone's running off from school to play LAN. nothing atypical. even shawn tan running off with them to play LAN despite the fact that his pure music paper is tomorrow is nothing atypical.

his mom smsed me a few hours ago asking me, with a distinctly assertive tone, which LAN branch he goes to.

somehow i don't feel motivated to answer.

it's none of my business anyway, so why should i care.

i nearly had a heart infarct (in-fck!) today near the end of the bio paper.

i realised that i left out ANSWER BOOKLET A when the invigilator gave the pens-down call.

i swore out loud. fortuneately or unfortunately, he didn't hear me.

that would mean 3 qns, 25 marks, and A1, even a pass, out of the window.

like spider-man's ring, bouncing on the street and rolling towards a sewer grating. no web to stop its movement. no nothing.

25 marks gone to nothing. no nothing.

i really felt like bursting into tears at that point of time. I screamed at random people and screamed fck! until i zao xia at the end of the paper. the invigilator was still there, and he gave me that wtf look.

and the worst thing was, lok lam said BEST when i mentioned it to him.

my friend. i wanted you to console me.

Like jasper, i was cold and hungry during the amaths paper. i skipped recess to revise binomial theorem together with kuan hoe. i didn't regret it much, but still, i could hear my stomach practically growling through the whole paper.

anyway, i felt really frustrated when i got home, 'cause i couldn't play kiss the rain properly. to me, when it's played nicely. despite the occasional slips and screw-ups, there seems to be a calming effect, and it's highly satisfying - the A-major chord at the end really sends that feeling of peace into your heart.

Yiruma is a great composer and a great pianist. really. if i can, it'll be bliss to play through Kiss The Rain with emotion and without mistakes. you'd feel the peace.

so i can't cure my heart with art, unlike illness with medicine. so i tried playing river flows in you. i played it smoothly but ended up feeling more tormented than ever (not saying that it's not a great piece though).

I have to study lit now. update when i have the time.

hcl people, all the way for o-level chinese. cheer up, we're all in this together!


Oh. and peiqi. sorry for being an ass.

Monday, October 5, 2009

this is bryan nicholas' nostril.

nice. i almost kena bang by bicycle.

this is my heart. nice right.

this is my table.

i'm depressed. save me.

Friday, October 2, 2009

2 days to exam and i still don't care.

I think I'm gonna pay dearly for my one week of fun.
As in, seriously. I thought I was stressed over the EOY, but I don't think so.
If you really look at it, it really makes sense.
My hairs are dropping.
When I think REALLY hard for one hour, two of my hairs fall out. Peiqi and Shi Ying knows that.
Even my dick hair is dropping.
Today, when I undressed to shower, five strands of straggly dick hair dropped off like that. Poing.


I behaved like the exams were eons away this week.

I don't know why, but during this week, I had to hug Ri Xuan, Lok Lam and Yi Herng. So I was like, um, gay around Lok Lam.

By the way, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual.

One of these days I walked to the MRT station with LL. He kept pushing me away, changed his walking speed drastically in all ways to avoid me. Once, he tripped over a sewer grating when utilising his leg muscles to walk full speed.

I laughed and told him he was damn cute. (which was, in a way, true.)
He frowned and told me I was damn gay. (which was, in a way, true.)

oh, and besides that. I tried to study, but I somehow couldn't bring myself to.
This whole week consisted of spamming people. Really. Spamming people like Lok Lam. Peiqi. And other random people.

I sent 45 messages (and counting) this week. The first four days of the week, I think I sent a little less than 100. Assuming I sent 90 messages (that I deleted since it was making my phone lag so much), that would make 130 messages. (which is a lot, considering that I usually send little over 20-30 messages a week.) Looking back, it's kind of fun to spam people and read the responses (especially lok lam's). A great way to destress too. I was sick on Tuesday - Wednesday (ie, not feeling well). So I told Peiqi this:

Art is an instant arrested in eternity.

And -

To the world, you may be one person.

But to one person, you may be the world.

After a moment's thought, I quoted Lok Lam:

change of pronoun.

"But I guess I'm just one person in my own world after all."

So she LOL?'ed me, and I told her not to LOL? me when I'm sick.

Oh right. I know I was being stupid and annoying.

But I'll be even more stupid and annoying after exams.

It's wrong for me to post because I'm sick of mugging.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

happy children's day to all.

