Tuesday, October 27, 2009

i'm fed up already!

chinese o-level papers are killing me.

i'm feeling fed up with the crazy chinese intensive thingy that the CHS chinese department came up with since i-don't-know-when.

they make us sit through 2 hours of lectures on compos and paper2s, and in the auditorium with those damn small tables which drop your stuffs the moment you're not careful. good thing they made normal chinese people go to the LT, where the tables are more prone to giving way.

some of us really appreciate the effort. even though it's damn boring, i try to listen. i've found out, not too long ago, that jotting down notes helps to bring down the ZZ monster. doodling helps too, but i'm not about to scrawl any crap all over my chinese notes.

still, i somehow can't bring myself to do the chinese papers they gave out. i guess i lack the discipline, because i get bored after 20 minutes of FOCUS and start playing pokemon. and during the chinese intensive thingy itself, i find myself not focusing on what the teacher is saying, but instead focusing on trying not to fall asleep. being the good boy i am, i always put up valiant efforts not to fall asleep during class. i always teeter on the brink of falling asleep, but i manage to force my eyes open again...somehow. although i'm proud to say that these efforts have never found me dead to the world during class, i have to admit that once the ZZ monster attacks, i can never get anything else from lessons.

anyways, i have to go for dinner now. THEN i've gotta chiong chinese homework. no slacking. NO MORE.

i saw shawn tan in the mirror on Monday. i was putting down my stuff, and i looked into the mirror on a whim.

in a flash.

shawn tan replaced my image and instantaneously vanished.

but not before i saw him.

it left me disturbed. freaked out.

i don't want to be a shawn tan.

all right. time to eat. eat eat!

