Thursday, February 11, 2010

haha prelim 1 is over

haha prelim 1 is over.

what can i say about prelim 1. DAMN SCREWED UP D:

i can just imagine my results coming back to me.

english PHAIL

chinese PHAIL

e maths PHAIL

a maths PHAIL

bio actually i dunno lar. should be ok (:

chem i also dunno actually.

geog BYE BYE A2 shit man my geog teacher's gonna ignore me for the rest of my life D:



is that all? my gosh, if that really were my results I'D JUST DIE D:

today screw up add maths ): walau. bio was okayy :D i dunno why i'm the only one who say its okay everybody else say SO EASY walau. must be because i fell asleep studying bio last night at 10+

then today was supposed to be halfday but WHAAT got band.
haha, better than tmrw CNY got band. remember last year CNY got band cannot go back primary school. BAND PEOPLE JOIN FACEBOOK GROUP! "sorry i can't. i have band". but dno why after bio paper after the free ice cream (yay(: ) after the beef noodle after the harsh brown i felt DAMN TIRED as in seriously DAMN TIRED /: i just felt like falling to the floor and just lying there. as in COLLAPSING and FALLING ASLEEP even on a CONCRETE FLOOR to wake up what. 5 hours later? never mind lah. i heard someone say ERNEST YOU LOOK HAGGARD but i dunno who it is. maybe its me telling myself i look haggard. uhh. then go band for combined --> music director come down --> ARSENAL --> LEGEND OF THE ANCIENT HERO --> MARCH BLUE SKY --> SEVENTH NIGHT OF JULY. arsenal was okay, maybe cos play too many time liao bah. but OHMYGOSHTHEOTHERSWEREJUSTSCREWEDUPIFEELLIKECRYING D': march blue sky i knew where i was but i was SO TIRED i just screwed up the whole thing and i ended up SHIT MAN D: then 7th night of july omygosh WHATTHEHELL +.+ the part where i had nothing i was just zoning lor. then come to going to my part already i wake up and prepare THEN he cut. WALAU :( but then i still screwed up lar, no diff. SIAN -.-

tmrw i going back pei chun :D but then my mother tell me go home after that and she threaten me using LHB WTF -.- "if you don't go home i CALL your principal!" wtf lar. she don't want face is it. a bit also call principal. i so good boy, wait until MITCHELL LIM your son i see how you die siah...

then going SMU concert :D then going back home. SLEEP SIAH :D then i have to start preparing to say buh bye to my tuition friends i'm so sad i've to quit cos my mum tell me so I'M GONNA MISS THEM )':

buh bye, i'm gonna wear something NICE tomorrow :D no more pajamas on CNY! :D
