Friday, April 9, 2010

day2 of hawaii~ and a little of today.

so well, we had a hour-long practice in the morning after breakfast, which kinda sucked 'cause i felt more than a little tired. and an hour doesn't sound long for a practice. it's a carpeted room, so being the responsible estate manager i am, i told the brass to get some cups over at the corner to empty their water. the cups were so small, but who cares, cups are cups. so, having had practiced opening and closing the stand the previous day, i proceeded to open my foldable stand without trouble. and after the practice, i had it packed in a jiffy. i am so proud of this achievement. :D oh and by the way, i forgot how to do that after hawaii, so don't ask me to teach anyone how to do it :o. after the rehearsal, we had free time so i went to eat. to be honest, i really don't know what i did in the free time we had. so after the free time at 2:30, we had another practice. (i think.) then went for dinner (i forgot where).

and after that, was the exchange with South Salem. i didn't talk much. (not that i'm really antisocial, but i guess i wasn't in a very talkative mood.) so they played dance of the jesters, we played arsenal (i think) and shenandoah. (hey, i'm listening to shenandoah now. coincidence!) and when i got back to s'pore, i added their trumpet section on fb. well, that isn't of importance, but sadly that's one of the few things i remember clearly. and after that, the day ends.

today wasn't much, except i was late to report again (i have to report at 7:20 for 5 consecutive days because i was late on the monday after hawaii.) well, whatever. the hero's always late.

i did homework until 5+ and then went to play my instrument for awhile, ezbon scared me again by tapping on my shoulder while i was playing :/. so after that i went to play the piano for quite a while. some people were rushing in and out, screaming; so some time later, i decided to check out what the fuss was all about. and to my great interest, they were playing NINJA.

i was really lousy at that, kept kena hit because of slow reaction. whatever, i'm still an amateur! after that i kena hit because of something like DAMNIT I DIDN'T KNOW MY HAND WAS THERE. whatever. i'll get better at it! then we taupokked shoki:D i was on top of him and my ribcage hurt for a while. ouch :/ but i think shoki was the one to suffer. he had a pretty bad abrasion on his knee and he said his balls were squashed because joel sat on the pile of people and his balls were in between his legs so yeah, ouch :o then i went home pretty late, with tzungern and jinsheng. jinsheng was rushing because he didn't wanna be late for his workout, and in the end he walked really fast one traffic light ahead of us. so we kinda decided to overtake him by taking the overhead bridge instead of crossing the road. so we ran. my bag was kind of light, so i overtook him pretty easy. when i looked back and stopped a little to wait, there was kind of a distance between me and the rest. we caught up to jinsheng in front of the mrt station, and after the mini-hussle over a waterbottle or something like that, boarded the train and home sweet home.

i'm hungry, i better get something to eat. then i'll sleep.
nights people.
