Monday, April 12, 2010

hawaii, so much like a dream.
barely half a month has passed, and i've forgotten 90% of what happened there.
anyway, i'll try my best to remember day 3, because all i can recollect of day 3 is the absolutely GREAT dinner and dance. :DD well, which is a good thing, because i guess, the highlight for day 3 IS THE DINNER AND DANCE because day 3, now that i really think back, holds quite a bunch of significant events.

(random:) i have just realised that the older i get, the less i care. whatever, life goes on, so we better get moving too.

anyway, started off the day with a visit to Pearl Harbor that kena'ed from ww2. i don't like war, so many people get killed, what's the point? really, it's tragic. wars are pointless. DEAR WORLD, MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. anyway, the exhibits were pretty interesting (in fact, bryan nicholas would love them won't you bryan?) but i still felt more compelled to look more closely at the other side of the exhibit, the part that honours the memories of those who went down fighting in the war. it's so sad that people have to die in wars. now that's one of the reasons i don't take history. why dig up the tragic past (and write whole essays about them?) ? just know what happened, honour the memory of those who lost their lives to war. because no matter how sad our past has been, we still gotta move on, we've got a whole future ahead of us. why dwell on the past?

anyway, at the uss arizona war memorial, it stank of oil. could practically SMELL the fumes still rising from the downed ship. OIL WAS VISIBLY STILL LEAKING FROM THE VESSEL in honour of those who went down with the ship. the water was streaked with black marks and rainbows and there were FISHIES swimming about. like i said, WHY DWELL ON THE PAST? sure it's important to honour the memories of those who till this day still serve their ship, but isn't it more important to think for the future? DON'T CLEAR THE OIL and let the pristine, delicious water be tainted by fierce fuel? isn't that being a little too unfriendly to the environment? i thought about this and ended up in a predicament, so to UP my mood, i decided not to dwell on this any longer.

so, back to the hotel, we prepared our stuffs and went to the workshop with Tony Mazzaferro. i think i could have been more confident, according to my pink booklet from hawaii i recorded that i was half-scared of him and that i didn't give my all because i thought i could've been more expressive. i better work on that! :/

and then after that we had our performance at ala moana shopping centre. my take on it was, it wasn't bad at all actually. so after the performance, we went SHOPPING :DD problem was, the stuff there was really EXPENSIVE :o went walking around, met up with this blue-eyed pleasant young man (i seemed to recall meeting him somewhere before). and i had a dose of deja vu, so i stood still pretty surprised. you see, i seemed to recall being on the rooftop level of the centre. i don't know why, perhaps i'm a PSYCHIC :o. anyway, i got this soap from the guy for my mum. the soapy stuff was good, it really made my hands feel nice((: though i can't remember what it was. anyway, went back and i remember planning to freshen up and showering and dolling myself up with the helpful tool called WATER :DDD and on to the night's DINNER AND DANCE!!!

and here, i would like to say something that's been about my mind for days.

"like how fine wine burns ever so sweetly in my mouth, those fleeting, shining, precious few memories that i have of you burns ever so sweetly in my heart."

smooth, huh? but i guess, this was how i really felt, and i still feel this way ))):

so we had to change into our full concert u ): showered, feel nice, feel tight, and that's that for freshening up. i took few points into consideration.

-underwear, check.
-black socks, check.
-black leather shoes, check.
-black long pants, check.
-white long sleeve shirt, check.
-blazer, check.
-handsome, check. (actually this doesn't really need to be thought about, i'm always handsome. DUHH.)

so, had everything arranged, and ended up in table 40 with Remus and Benn Tay. i don't regret this arrangement at all, especially the table 40 part! (;

i shan't go into details about the dinner. these memories are for myself to keep :DD hahahahaha. seriously, i'm not gonna say anything, i'm just gonna SMILE at the memory of it(: always in my heart, hahaha.

the dance was totally EXHILERATING. i didn't know i could dance, hahaha. i'd pick up dancing after o's, i'm seriously thinking about that!!! but i guess, first i gotta bulk up, burn off all my fats. hahaha. i guess my feet were moving about the most, i was just going about anyhow. :DDDD now i know what it means to party!!!! hahaha, thinking of PARTY, i really wanna go PARTY now!!! partying all night long would have been great, but too bad it was like only a little over an hour. but it was still great :DDD

anyway i got back to the hotel pretty tired, and sweaty, so i thought really, wearing the full u to the dinner was so not a good idea? but still i enjoyed it lah.

i'm really tired lah, gotta get some sleep before tomorrow. oops, it already is tomorrow damn -.- whatever. i just realised i didn't study at all :/

well nights everyone...
