Monday, June 28, 2010


gotta love L.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

so, i considered putting this as my blogsong.
should i put it as my blogsong?
still, my current blogsong is more er meaningful! :D

Friday, June 25, 2010

prelim 2 ~reviews~

the big overview of the thing?

like some shit.
all the papers.
i am so not gonna get away with those shit results
which is promised to come back after World Cup.
so focus groups, here i come.
(my mum just walked in and told me i suck lol.)
don't listen to what she says.
i rock. :D
but anyway, my results gonna be fucked up.
now why do i say so?
let's take a closer look.

- Engrish -
(not gonna talk about oral)

paper 1.
i wrote a narrative on the one word topic
like i always do,


but, the first thing that came to my mind was,
a cliche plot.
fortunately or unfortunately, i have recently acquired the habit to say/write the first thing that comes out in my mind.
by the time i realised the plot sucked, i had already spent the first half hour of the paper writing it. so i went on writing anyway.
but it took far too long to get to the climax.
and when it came down to the last half hour of the thing,
i panicked cause i've not started on the letter.
end up, i didn't finish both.
really, i felt like crying.


i think this one went pretty well,
cause i was determined to do good on this one
cause i screwed up paper 1 so bad
though, my summary sucked.
oh well.

basically this one sucked cause
i didn't study my hardest for it.
i mugged my ass off for the bio eoy last year,
and i ended up leaving one whole bookelet out,
thus resulting in the loss of 25 marks.
stupidity -.-

the paper was pretty simple,
if you did study.
but it was a shame cause
i didn't study much for bio.
shit ._.


so, i think i can do well for paper 1 for this one.

easy questions, all of 'em done with ten minutes to spare
well, except one.
in which, in a moment of desperation,
i filled in with the "alternate segment theorem"
cause i couldn't think of anything else.
whatever, it's just 2 marks.

paper 2 was killa.

the first question gave us a golf ball.
here, all i have to worry about is accuracy.
thank goodness they gave us a formula list.

i solved the next question with algebra.
with 47% probability of getting it right.

after loads of skipping and inward swearing,
i gave up on the six mark question on the cans
and went on to the graph.
so my graph seems okay,
think i'd get six outta seven for it.

so, there goes another paper
with GG slapped onto my face.

- Social Studies -
basically this one sucked cause i gave up on it.
during the exam week, on monday night,
i gave up on the essays out of pure frustration,
and put "imma sleep now. ss, you can go and die" as my fb status.
well, something like that.
after having stuffed some shit in about
korean war, singapore's defence shit
which i don't give a shit about.
SS, stupid subject.
compulsory, its propaganda.
bloody hell, why dyou think they made it compulsory?
its fucking PROPAGANDA!
its stuffed from top to bottom with fucking propaganda bullshit!

okay, that was harsh.

so anyway, source based was on north korea, south korea and US r/s.
what the hell, dude. what the hell.
like i give a fuck about politics.
dirty politics.
im so not gonna get involved.
leadership's all about politics.
fuck politics.

so anyway, i spammed on sbq like i usually do,
until i had it longer than my seq.
i didn't hold much hope for seq anyway.
the deterrence/diplomacy,
everything i studied on it was clear off my head.
so, fuck that.

globalisation, i didn't even touch.
so that one, die even more than the deterrence/diplomacy one.
so overall, die.

my mum just came in and threatened to take my computer away.
fuck that lar, let me live my life. i like what.

so anyway, ss can go and die lar.

- Chemistry -
i didn't work my hardest for this one;

having totally forgotten
about the mcq tests on edulearn,
i did the 10 year series.
a little of the 10 year series.
and it left me pretty disturbed cause
my organic chem and a lot other stuff cannot make it
so i didnt wanna do.

anyway, mcq was badass.
spent like 1 whole hour on it.
ended up not finishing the paper,
don't wanna talk about it any more.

- Pure Geography -

i had a lotta pressure on me for this one,

cause i went together with loklam, jacob and weihao
for mrs goh's little lesson.
i chose natural vegetation.
naturally, cause its easy. easiest topic ever, out of the whole geog syllabus.
and i chose food, cause i didnt touch tourism.
turned out to be a good choice, tourism got 2 LDQ lol. :D
i don't know whether i'll do well or screw up.
human geog, >50% of screwing up.
physical geog, <50% of screwing up.
nice balance huh. -.-
scared ._.

- Additional Mathematics -

same as e maths, paper 1 easy, paper 2 die.
okay lah, paper 1 QUITE easy.
after all, i'm still unsure about the trigonometric identites question
and the differentiate hence integrate question.
well, whatever.

paper 2, die.
setter, ee ah hong.
i didn't bother myself about that
i didn't even see the setter when i started the paper.
i only realised, when yx posted it as his fb status.

so anyway,
i skipped the entire geometrical proof question.
i skipped part of the kinematics question.
so, die lar. :/

diediediedie DIE BITCH!

- Elective English Literature -

Last paper for the term.
i think i might actually do well for this one.
i did the character essay.
the one about the 2 adult women of Maycomb.
i wrote about alexandra and maudie.
i couldn't recall much about maudie.
but well, what i wrote should do.
didn't quote much ):
i quoted abit more about alexandra.
intheend, managed to fill in about 2.5 pages.
that's one and a quarter sheets of paper.

the unseen, i did alot better for the first question.
cause i couldn't finish the second question.
so what i learnt is,
no matter what,
for lit,
at least you'd get something out of it.


so, my nightmare.
consisted of, a spider crawling up my pillow,
then it went to a corner and changed into a bird,
and ate fish,
then it flew across my bed and it changed into a cat,
and then it changed into a tiger,
and backed me to a wall.

great, a newfound fear for tigers.

Monday, June 21, 2010

dear diary,

today i shitted in the toilet, and my shit came out in a smiley face.

Well, its not that i care about that more than the face that i'm supposed to study now.

im actually resorting to ace learning to read up on my long forgotten (forrotten) emaths theorems.

and ive barely started memorising ss essays.

i just hope i don't fall asleep before im done.
will review the papers next week?
walau, cannot write hawaii and pop liao.
sian :/

Friday, June 18, 2010

i think;

the older i get, the less i care.
the less i care, the happier i feel.

i must confess,
i don't have a favourite subject in school.
i don't like everything we learn.
it's all so troublesome.
especially languages cause they seem so pointless

anyway, my ability to conquer my subjects will be put to the test
next week, prelims 2.
from monday 21/6 onwards.
be it, an ability (hopefully) or an inability (let's hope it won't turn out this way.)

two days.
it's two days to prelim two,
and i feel so listless.

i am in no mood to study.
totally. not at all.
i fall asleep when i really try to study.
or, i drift to something else...
like pokemon.
last night,
i meant to stay up
to swallow the ss essays.
but i ended up
i feel stupid now.

and what's worse,
i still have english homework
and a whole other shitload of stuff to mug.
seriously, GG already.
what i can do now,
is to mug my hardest,
and hope for the best.
mug my hardest?
when i'm in no mood to study?
fat chance.
i'm not sure, perhaps i'd get the push by the start of next week.

my brother and sister both took the GCE O Levels.
yes, my sister was from RGS.
but, there was no IP programme at that time,
so she still had to take care of her assessments.
she'd been mugging her whole school life
from P1 till Sec4 (and this would go on)
so the big O didn't pose much of a problem to her.
she breezed past that big O bstacle.

whereas my brother
barely got through
and my parents said he "woke up" in June.
now is June 2010.
i wonder when i'm gonna wake up.
perhaps now is a good time.
and that is why,
my mum didn't want me to
commit so much to cca.


a can of baking soda. i cannot eat that.



...can I...?

im supposed to be studying now, so bye.



walau, i feel damn paiseh today ._.

first, im sorry lok lam for not calling you to make sure you've woke up at seven am (even though, it's not my fault la.) anyway the LOL fail on the wall was referring to
your morning wake up early early for geog FAIL. and, you damn lame leh. :/

next, im sorry the rest of my geog budbuds that i didn't say i would be having a class with weihao with mrs goh today. little bit of misunderstanding on my part. sorry dudes :/ especially jacob. sorryyyy ._.

anyway my geog ended at like eleven something so weihao and i went to mcdonald''s for quarter pounders. weihao and a double and i had mine small cuz i didnt have much appetite. by some magic or something, when i set my tray on the table, my cup of milo toppled and crashlanded on the floor. SOME milo leaked out at first but the whole cover gave way (get real, it's plastic.) spilling the whole drink on the floor.

so anyway i was left standing like an idiot over there going "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~~~~" and weihao looked astonished by the sudden appearance of milo on the floor.

i felt guilty straightaway.

so anyway, the aunty made her way to the spot and cleaned up the mess. and i went to get another cup of milo. the aunty at the counter was laughing good-humoredly at me, that made me feel even more guilty. plus, something about the floor suggested that it has recently been mopped. the guilt cut whatever that was left of my appetite by a huge lot - i was playing with my food rather than eating (though i was done faster than weihao.) so here's sorry to the mcdonald staff in j8 for the extra work and thanks for the graciousness. really, PAISEHH ._.

the rest of the day passed by without event, oh but um sorry my maths tuition teacher, for making you hold my water bottle hostage. and um, i'd TRY to get there on time on sunday, means i will wake up early :D oh and, i got myself a bottle of milk tea before class and, i held in in a death grip for fear of the repeat of the incident in mcdonald's - this time, the floor is carpeted. well, lucky. no spillage occured. *phew* and, i have a better aim than glendon - got it in the bin in one shot. WHOOO~

so i went back home. after dinner and some time in the bathroom,
i laid around for a few minutes and then i got round to looking through the ss revision kit.

3 essays later, i fell asleep.

anyway, i just woke up.

so i went to my fwen's blog.
now you people know that the name i use in my tagbox is "admin" all the time ._. so now i kinda forgot to change my name to my own so it came out as "admin" on her tagbox. so once the stupidity is committed, i felt even more paisehh and so dumb! ARGHHH.

paisehh lar, today. im sorry to everyone i've let down or inconvenienced. ._.
contrite little boy here. don't make me cry. D:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

my bag is becoming a black hole.

seriously, stuff that i put into it disappears to nowhere.
its like a portal opens up at midnight or something and sucks up something
into an abyss
thus making it dematerialize.
and somehow, its favorite stuff to take is my bio notes.
it took my original copies of my chapters 18, 20, and 22.
now its taken away my photocopied copy of chapter 22.
oh, great ._.

and, i realised, not too long ago,
i still have yet to hand in my report book.
i wonder what's gonna happen.
for sure, its gonna be interesting.
i wonder if i can call myself a good student anymore.

random: ... mmm ... tastes SOOO good ...

so, i guess that's all
i better continue studying geog.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

this made me laugh on the mrt.

so, i was studying my bio stuff on the mrt cause i realised i haven't started on bio when i left for maths so i brought my notes along.

and when i was looking at chapter 10 respiration, THIS song started playing.
its just a little song about a sucker and his souped up car.

the lyrics are hilarious, i was practically shaking with laughter as i stood there with my face buried in my notes, because i pretty much figured out i'd look an idiot standing there and laughing for no visible reason.
i guess i'm just sensitive to funny things.
today just came and by without event. not really special.
well, on days that aren't really special, i tend to make multiple posts.
i noticed. :D
oh, and i mistook that string on my jacket for one of my earphones.
thank goodness i realised before i stuffed the thing in my ear.
the plastic was cracked.
OH, OH! there was a cute girl sitting right in front of me. she wasn't facing me though, only when she glanced at me and my fwen glendon. for a mere split second. blearrh -.-
man, keep your eyes on me girl!
i guess that's probably why i couldn't really concentrate on my maths.
my teacher pointed out to me all the silly mistakes there that cost me a question.
she told me i really sleeping already.
well, whatever :/

oh, and i realised i've not handed in my report book.
arrgghhhhh shit :/

have a good evening everyone.
live the night right, go burn midnight oil WHOO~
let the flames of mugging burn ever so brightly! :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

105th post.

courtesy of
yes, this is a crow.

Now for some reason, the image of a crow keeps popping up in my head.
well, it's not like that's my problem right?
so dear crow, if you wanna waste your time staying in my head, be my guest.
you won't find anything in there that's of use to you anyway.
unless, you wanna be a big hindrance to humanity
by pecking away at a powerful human brain.
(thus minimising the efficiency of one of the most intelligent beings in the world).
which, i would naturally assume, is your intention.
now thanks a lot, but imma mug now,
in all seriousness.
as much as i love chatting,
i've told friends im busy mugging.
so i better really be busy mugging.
so bye.


stupid crow -.-

i feel guilty.



aint i.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

102nd post.

so, this is my favourite cynaide and happiness short so far. (heck the spelling errors.) i've also taken a liking to psychostick, their songs are funny^^

and, i came across this mv that reminded me of 2-2. somehow. its called "show me your genitals". ring a bell, 2-2 buds? i'm not gonna post it here. cause though its funny, it sucks. so just go look it up yourself on youtube if you wanna take a look. and then there's this~~

don't get horny ah.
okay, imma um...POKEMON! now.
i guess. i should study.
okay, study.
whatever lahhhh

Saturday, June 12, 2010

major update.
first, i changed my blogsong.
song name - the dumb song - psychostick
then, i changed the template.
and then, i changed the layout.
and, just to be annoying, i made sure the dog was wagging its tail into the posts.
well, Blue wags his tail regardless of whether he finds his Clues or not does he.

hahaha, i've taken a liking to cynaide and happiness shorts.
i've got an essay to write, so...i really shouldn't be here.
byebye :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

100th post!

this is a spastic looking white tiger, a product of inbreeding.
yeah, its kinda sad.
thanks mr goh for the interesting bio lesson today.
though, i didn't really study for the mcq test :/
but hey, i stayed up till 2 last night to figure out the worksheet kay.
still, the only part where i managed to get right is the question asking for a summary of the synthesis of proteins.
and i still mentioned extra stuffs that weren't needed but anyway._.
i stayed up till 2+am to finish the worksheet yo!
though i admit, i had one whole week to finish it.
well, i wouldn't have to stay up till 2 to finish the worksheet if i didn't lose the dang thing in the first place :/

so anyway, this is the 100th post on . happy 100th post my dear blogg! ^^

I intended to wake up at 5:20am today, but i ended up waking at 6:30am anyway.

so today, we had this interesting bio lesson on impact on ecosystem, which wasn't really new (cause i take geog). though, it was interesting.i loved the spastic looking white tiger. though its kinda sad. made me feel spastic myself though, cause the lesson wasn't so dry (unlike the past few chapters on cell division and inheritance and DNA and whatnots, yawnyawn) and i was giggling throughout the lesson. practically shaking with laughter, HAHAHAHAHA. but the funny stopped when it came to the worksheet, cause it ain't really funny when you spend one day plus over a bloody worksheet and you get half of the damn thing wrong. ain't it. and the mcq test, cause i didnt study (i decided to trust my memory) dunno whether say easy or hard. :/ oh well. that's what you get when you don't study ._. so study okay people. STUDY!

so after bio, there was a "relax" chem session. it was, sort of, because all we had to do is the section A of one paper. and it ain't really that hard cause after every answer you write you can always glance up at the answer sheet and fill in whatever's missing (: so after that was like eleven thirty already, and i decided to study. so i grabbed lunch and went to the study area above the grandstand.


but i couldn't. i was doing the emaths distinction questions and there's one really simple one asking for the similarity of triangles. in a circle (: and i was stuck there spacing out when the AAA similarities due to angles in the same segment were right smack in my face.

out of the 2 - 3 hours i spent "studying", about half the time was spent spacing out, chatting with guochang(: talking to chaoqun (: and gerald (: and taking loooong walks to the piano outside the band room, play it and to the canteen but no stall was open so i went back...and sit back something...and again. then, i get really restless. after each addmath question i rest my head on the table and "sleep" for 2-3 minutes (as if that is considered "sleep".) and then i walk to the ledge/parapet/WHATEVER! and gaze into space, and i watch the ncc people doing some stuff with their rifles and watch the scouts at the grandstand doing idunnowhat, and watch that noisy machine peel up the rubber track for some idunnowhat reason. so i decided i wasn't being productive at all, so i went home. and, that was my day.

ARGH, why am i blogging about today, i still have 2.5 days of hawaii and pop to blog about. i feel guilty :/ okay okay. next time! (:

just let me say one last something! :D

people who don't know me, don't know me.
people who know me, but don't really know me, think im still a kid.
people who know me pretty well, know i've got leg hair.
people who really know me, know i've got leg hair and that i'm nice.
people who really know me really well, know that i've got leg hair, i'm nice, and that i'm still a kid inside. :D

get the difference, haha. (:
awww man. being critical sucks D:
forget it, i shouldn't be so stiff about who knows me and who's my friend and whatnot. LET'S ALL BE FRIENDS OKAY :D

im really signing off now. i need dinner.

and then, i need to mug.
good nights everyone.
enjoy your evening.
study hard! (:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

well, deleted my blogsong.
will be finding one to put up soon
im really sorry but i have to mug now -

oh wait, she's online.
forget mugging, i'll go talk to her :D

and, i forget to mention the key point.

well, probably due to what happened the past few days, MY PAPER HEART by the all american rejects kept ringing in my head. i love it when the song sings how i feel. awwwww :/

so naturally, i sang along.

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me, please, I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run away
Catch you if I can

Tears fall, down your face
The taste, is something new
Something that I know
Moving on is easiest when I'm around you

So bottle up old love, and throw it out to sea
Watch it away as you cry
a year has passed
The seasons go

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me, please, I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run away
Catch you if I can

Waiting, day to day it goes through
My lips are sealed for her
My tongue is tied to a dream of being with you
To settle for less is not what I prefer

So bottle up old love, and throw it out to sea
Watch it away as you cry
Now a year has passed
The seasons go

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me, please, I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run away
Catch you if I can

(Fa Fa Fa la la la Fa Fa Fa la la la Fa Fa Fa La La La)

Summertime, the nights are so long
The leaves fall down, and so do I into the arms of a friend
Winter nights
My bedside is cold, for I am gone
And spring blossoms you to me

Summertime, the nights are so long
The leaves fall down, and so do I into the arms of a friend
Winter nights
My bedside is cold, for I am gone
And spring blossoms you...
To me

so there you have it :/
im really signing off now.


i think im finally off my rocker :/
i was supposed to chiong bio today.
because, i lost my original copies of
the worksheet, chapter 18 cell division, chapter 20 molecular genetics.
(and, for some reason, my original chapter 22 our impact on the ecosystem also vanished off the face of earth.)
so well, i panicked because i lost my one day plus of blood, sweat and tears.
and all i could do was sit around and sulk. and swear.
so anyway, i decided to ask my friends to lend me their originals so i could photocopy on monday, after a maths session with my maths teacher and teck kin.
i was digging around and i actually tidied my room to find those shitties.
but for some reason they didn't turn up.
perhaps its cause i brought the work to so many places.
to my living room, to my dining room, to my room, to my class room, to the study area outside staff room, to the study area above grand stand, to the canteen, to the study area outside band room.
cause, (in all honesty,) i didn't know how to go about doing it.
and with the worksheet i brought my notes (needless to say).
so, i ended up misplacing them.
and, i go up to a mirror and say. oh dear, what a real douche we have here.
shit man.
so i panicked for 2 hours plus after i was done searching my room before i decided to trouble my friends and ask for help. after all, what are friends for right (: so i sent an sms, and i got a few replies by the time the day was out. so gerald lent me his copies of the notes on tuesday. thanks gerald^^
so i met up with gerald the noon of yesterday. i was actually planning to go earlier cause i promised my grandma i would accompany her to the market to grab some groceries at seven.
but as it turned out, i ended up waking at eleven.
damn. im sorry grandma D:
so anyway, i went to school. and then i met up with gerald and saw xian zhe who was polishing up his art work. gerald passed me his copies of the notes and i said i'd be going to bishan north to copy them and i'd grab lunch so you guys want anything? so anyway, i forgot how we bumped into shoki but we ended up going for lunch together LOL. xian zhe said he didn't want lunch so he sat in the art room polishing up his art work. so hardworking (: so anyway, went for lunch and then went to the bookshop nearby to copy the stuff. i didnt expect shoki and gerald to wait for me. thanks guys, you are darlings (: so anyway, i was planning to chiong bio after lunch but i ended up at the piano -.- i think my piano playing is really bad, i need a change of technique. i don't know, its just WRONG. so anyway, i was at the piano and suddenly JOEL came out of the band room and asked me for help on his mallet piece. so i helped him, though i've forgotten exactly how to read scores like that (shit man ._. ) so anyway, i got all confused staring at the piece at first but turned out that the rhythm was nothing (as expected ^^) but he needed help reading the notes. so i told him how and he sat down to figure out the notes by himself. i wasn't much of a help really ^^ so joel was practicing his mallets and some way or another i ended up at the drum set. i don't have much talent for it i guess. after an hour of picking up the basics, im still stuck at the basics. so anyway, i went to pick up lunch for joel and i got myself a drink and told him to be a good boy and keep practicing (which he did. needless to say) and i stayed with him till six. then i went home with him and gerald. and after i got home, i didnt manage to get anything done. oh well ): zero productivity at home.

so um, getting back to the point. where was i? :o

SO UM, ANYWAY...i woke up today at noon to have chinese tuition. and then i sat down and forced myself to do bio. so after half an hour i barely got through half of the mcq, and i only understood a half of chapter 18. so i forced myself at three thirty to sit down with molecular genetics.

then i fell asleep.

to wake up at six in the evening. i decided i couldn't do much anyway, so i went on sleeping till seven. so i watched the kdrama thats on channel u now while eating dinner with my parents and my grandma. so here i am now, typing this blog post when im supposed to briefly run through my bio syllabus. after all, mugging the entire bio syllabus in one night is...fatal.

isn't it high time i start studying now. :/

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


my arms are shaking.

my head is pounding.

my heart is beating. (needless to say.)

when my heart takes over my mind, she's the only person who's in my head.
nothing else gets into it.
when i try to study,
my mind drifts. (well, that probably shows i've no talent for studying.)
and when my mind drifts,
i start thinking about you.
and i go;

oh my!

oh gosh!

oh damn!

cause, i'd end up thinking about you throughout the night.
well anyway, don't call it obsession.

at least, you're not my wallpaper.
(i am.)

screwed up, ain't it.

sometimes i go,

why am i killing myself over someone i barely know?

now ain't that right.

studying = happy.



cause, when i study, i care less.
evident, when i was reading my bio notes on my way home,
i sang out loud.
cause, i thought i cant be bothered to give a fuck.

care less= happy.
therefore studying=happy.
what's wrong with me now.
i just finished half a bag of peanuts.
lesson learnt, a guys ball sac may be big, but who knows, the balls in there are tiny, perhaps.

oh whatever,

i don't want to care anymore.

Monday, June 7, 2010



don't it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


try out ALL OF ME, by Jon Schmidt. its a nice song. though i cant play it at all :/ FINE I'VE NO TALENT FOR PIANO KAY! i sweated the hell of myself trying it. damn sticky by the end of that half an hour trying siah :/
well, the enlightened guy don't seem to be coming here, so hell if i have to kill my blog for you bitchass.
be updating about hawaii soon, i don't want the beautiful memories about hawaii to leave me. :/
and, i still have pop to post about.
i wonder if i've posted about the concert yet,
AHHH forget it. i'll worry later.

tmrw wat remedial ar? :o

Thursday, June 3, 2010

@enlightened, the whoever who had the atrocity to fill my honey's tagbox with a shitload of nonsense.

just can't get this off my back.

personal attacks aren't new. and somehow, they remind me of politics. whatever, that's irrelevant.

what, may i ask, exactly WHAT has he done to you to inspire you to such deeds? WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW? from what i can see, all you have demonstrated is your ARROGANCE and your IMMATURITY. your snide remarks don't even make a proper critique. you think everyone as people inferior to yourself. you think you're the one with the ultimate gavel, but i'm not sorry to say you have no right to do that. What makes you think you're better than others? Is your brain more useful than a supercomputer? do you have super-powers and are actually saving people everyday of their lives? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GOD?

so what? do you live for attacking people? is it your life-blood, your fun, laughter, peace and joy? i'd be ashamed to call you a fellow human being, let alone a friend. ARE YOU HUMAN AT ALL? does insulting people, using words because you think you're good at it, and seeing people getting worked up using a never-ending, wordy and pointless argument that's never getting anywhere give you a good laugh? the target might be putting up a tough front, but how about the fact that he's feeling worse than shit inside? sure, you're having fun. but what about the other's feelings?

Yes, you live for attacking people. and yes, you do it for kicks. but do you have to do it online, in a virtual world, where you think nobody knows who you are? if you're doing so online for that purpose, i'm sorry but i'll take it upon myself to term you a BLOODY COWARD. because that's what you are. If you wanna judge people's character, offend them or whatever, DO IT IN THEIR FACE, MAKE THEM KNOW WHO YOU ARE. do it in REAL LIFE, and if you're huddled in front of your computer 24/7, GO GET ONE!

the hell i know why you want to this. if it's for attention, do it outside! scream at cars which nearly knock you down! complain aloud about the weather! just don't do it in such a way that you HURT OTHERS' FEELINGS. that's just being cold-blooded mean.

i do hope you express remorse about this, to whoever you've given this kind of shit to. stop showing how arrogant and immature you are. YOU MAKE ME SICK.

and you're stopping me from doing my homework, because you've got me worked up like hell and i can't focus. damn you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
