Friday, June 18, 2010


walau, i feel damn paiseh today ._.

first, im sorry lok lam for not calling you to make sure you've woke up at seven am (even though, it's not my fault la.) anyway the LOL fail on the wall was referring to
your morning wake up early early for geog FAIL. and, you damn lame leh. :/

next, im sorry the rest of my geog budbuds that i didn't say i would be having a class with weihao with mrs goh today. little bit of misunderstanding on my part. sorry dudes :/ especially jacob. sorryyyy ._.

anyway my geog ended at like eleven something so weihao and i went to mcdonald''s for quarter pounders. weihao and a double and i had mine small cuz i didnt have much appetite. by some magic or something, when i set my tray on the table, my cup of milo toppled and crashlanded on the floor. SOME milo leaked out at first but the whole cover gave way (get real, it's plastic.) spilling the whole drink on the floor.

so anyway i was left standing like an idiot over there going "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF~~~~" and weihao looked astonished by the sudden appearance of milo on the floor.

i felt guilty straightaway.

so anyway, the aunty made her way to the spot and cleaned up the mess. and i went to get another cup of milo. the aunty at the counter was laughing good-humoredly at me, that made me feel even more guilty. plus, something about the floor suggested that it has recently been mopped. the guilt cut whatever that was left of my appetite by a huge lot - i was playing with my food rather than eating (though i was done faster than weihao.) so here's sorry to the mcdonald staff in j8 for the extra work and thanks for the graciousness. really, PAISEHH ._.

the rest of the day passed by without event, oh but um sorry my maths tuition teacher, for making you hold my water bottle hostage. and um, i'd TRY to get there on time on sunday, means i will wake up early :D oh and, i got myself a bottle of milk tea before class and, i held in in a death grip for fear of the repeat of the incident in mcdonald's - this time, the floor is carpeted. well, lucky. no spillage occured. *phew* and, i have a better aim than glendon - got it in the bin in one shot. WHOOO~

so i went back home. after dinner and some time in the bathroom,
i laid around for a few minutes and then i got round to looking through the ss revision kit.

3 essays later, i fell asleep.

anyway, i just woke up.

so i went to my fwen's blog.
now you people know that the name i use in my tagbox is "admin" all the time ._. so now i kinda forgot to change my name to my own so it came out as "admin" on her tagbox. so once the stupidity is committed, i felt even more paisehh and so dumb! ARGHHH.

paisehh lar, today. im sorry to everyone i've let down or inconvenienced. ._.
contrite little boy here. don't make me cry. D:
