Wednesday, June 9, 2010


i think im finally off my rocker :/
i was supposed to chiong bio today.
because, i lost my original copies of
the worksheet, chapter 18 cell division, chapter 20 molecular genetics.
(and, for some reason, my original chapter 22 our impact on the ecosystem also vanished off the face of earth.)
so well, i panicked because i lost my one day plus of blood, sweat and tears.
and all i could do was sit around and sulk. and swear.
so anyway, i decided to ask my friends to lend me their originals so i could photocopy on monday, after a maths session with my maths teacher and teck kin.
i was digging around and i actually tidied my room to find those shitties.
but for some reason they didn't turn up.
perhaps its cause i brought the work to so many places.
to my living room, to my dining room, to my room, to my class room, to the study area outside staff room, to the study area above grand stand, to the canteen, to the study area outside band room.
cause, (in all honesty,) i didn't know how to go about doing it.
and with the worksheet i brought my notes (needless to say).
so, i ended up misplacing them.
and, i go up to a mirror and say. oh dear, what a real douche we have here.
shit man.
so i panicked for 2 hours plus after i was done searching my room before i decided to trouble my friends and ask for help. after all, what are friends for right (: so i sent an sms, and i got a few replies by the time the day was out. so gerald lent me his copies of the notes on tuesday. thanks gerald^^
so i met up with gerald the noon of yesterday. i was actually planning to go earlier cause i promised my grandma i would accompany her to the market to grab some groceries at seven.
but as it turned out, i ended up waking at eleven.
damn. im sorry grandma D:
so anyway, i went to school. and then i met up with gerald and saw xian zhe who was polishing up his art work. gerald passed me his copies of the notes and i said i'd be going to bishan north to copy them and i'd grab lunch so you guys want anything? so anyway, i forgot how we bumped into shoki but we ended up going for lunch together LOL. xian zhe said he didn't want lunch so he sat in the art room polishing up his art work. so hardworking (: so anyway, went for lunch and then went to the bookshop nearby to copy the stuff. i didnt expect shoki and gerald to wait for me. thanks guys, you are darlings (: so anyway, i was planning to chiong bio after lunch but i ended up at the piano -.- i think my piano playing is really bad, i need a change of technique. i don't know, its just WRONG. so anyway, i was at the piano and suddenly JOEL came out of the band room and asked me for help on his mallet piece. so i helped him, though i've forgotten exactly how to read scores like that (shit man ._. ) so anyway, i got all confused staring at the piece at first but turned out that the rhythm was nothing (as expected ^^) but he needed help reading the notes. so i told him how and he sat down to figure out the notes by himself. i wasn't much of a help really ^^ so joel was practicing his mallets and some way or another i ended up at the drum set. i don't have much talent for it i guess. after an hour of picking up the basics, im still stuck at the basics. so anyway, i went to pick up lunch for joel and i got myself a drink and told him to be a good boy and keep practicing (which he did. needless to say) and i stayed with him till six. then i went home with him and gerald. and after i got home, i didnt manage to get anything done. oh well ): zero productivity at home.

so um, getting back to the point. where was i? :o

SO UM, ANYWAY...i woke up today at noon to have chinese tuition. and then i sat down and forced myself to do bio. so after half an hour i barely got through half of the mcq, and i only understood a half of chapter 18. so i forced myself at three thirty to sit down with molecular genetics.

then i fell asleep.

to wake up at six in the evening. i decided i couldn't do much anyway, so i went on sleeping till seven. so i watched the kdrama thats on channel u now while eating dinner with my parents and my grandma. so here i am now, typing this blog post when im supposed to briefly run through my bio syllabus. after all, mugging the entire bio syllabus in one night is...fatal.

isn't it high time i start studying now. :/
