Wednesday, June 16, 2010

this made me laugh on the mrt.

so, i was studying my bio stuff on the mrt cause i realised i haven't started on bio when i left for maths so i brought my notes along.

and when i was looking at chapter 10 respiration, THIS song started playing.
its just a little song about a sucker and his souped up car.

the lyrics are hilarious, i was practically shaking with laughter as i stood there with my face buried in my notes, because i pretty much figured out i'd look an idiot standing there and laughing for no visible reason.
i guess i'm just sensitive to funny things.
today just came and by without event. not really special.
well, on days that aren't really special, i tend to make multiple posts.
i noticed. :D
oh, and i mistook that string on my jacket for one of my earphones.
thank goodness i realised before i stuffed the thing in my ear.
the plastic was cracked.
OH, OH! there was a cute girl sitting right in front of me. she wasn't facing me though, only when she glanced at me and my fwen glendon. for a mere split second. blearrh -.-
man, keep your eyes on me girl!
i guess that's probably why i couldn't really concentrate on my maths.
my teacher pointed out to me all the silly mistakes there that cost me a question.
she told me i really sleeping already.
well, whatever :/

oh, and i realised i've not handed in my report book.
arrgghhhhh shit :/

have a good evening everyone.
live the night right, go burn midnight oil WHOO~
let the flames of mugging burn ever so brightly! :D
