Friday, June 25, 2010

prelim 2 ~reviews~

the big overview of the thing?

like some shit.
all the papers.
i am so not gonna get away with those shit results
which is promised to come back after World Cup.
so focus groups, here i come.
(my mum just walked in and told me i suck lol.)
don't listen to what she says.
i rock. :D
but anyway, my results gonna be fucked up.
now why do i say so?
let's take a closer look.

- Engrish -
(not gonna talk about oral)

paper 1.
i wrote a narrative on the one word topic
like i always do,


but, the first thing that came to my mind was,
a cliche plot.
fortunately or unfortunately, i have recently acquired the habit to say/write the first thing that comes out in my mind.
by the time i realised the plot sucked, i had already spent the first half hour of the paper writing it. so i went on writing anyway.
but it took far too long to get to the climax.
and when it came down to the last half hour of the thing,
i panicked cause i've not started on the letter.
end up, i didn't finish both.
really, i felt like crying.


i think this one went pretty well,
cause i was determined to do good on this one
cause i screwed up paper 1 so bad
though, my summary sucked.
oh well.

basically this one sucked cause
i didn't study my hardest for it.
i mugged my ass off for the bio eoy last year,
and i ended up leaving one whole bookelet out,
thus resulting in the loss of 25 marks.
stupidity -.-

the paper was pretty simple,
if you did study.
but it was a shame cause
i didn't study much for bio.
shit ._.


so, i think i can do well for paper 1 for this one.

easy questions, all of 'em done with ten minutes to spare
well, except one.
in which, in a moment of desperation,
i filled in with the "alternate segment theorem"
cause i couldn't think of anything else.
whatever, it's just 2 marks.

paper 2 was killa.

the first question gave us a golf ball.
here, all i have to worry about is accuracy.
thank goodness they gave us a formula list.

i solved the next question with algebra.
with 47% probability of getting it right.

after loads of skipping and inward swearing,
i gave up on the six mark question on the cans
and went on to the graph.
so my graph seems okay,
think i'd get six outta seven for it.

so, there goes another paper
with GG slapped onto my face.

- Social Studies -
basically this one sucked cause i gave up on it.
during the exam week, on monday night,
i gave up on the essays out of pure frustration,
and put "imma sleep now. ss, you can go and die" as my fb status.
well, something like that.
after having stuffed some shit in about
korean war, singapore's defence shit
which i don't give a shit about.
SS, stupid subject.
compulsory, its propaganda.
bloody hell, why dyou think they made it compulsory?
its fucking PROPAGANDA!
its stuffed from top to bottom with fucking propaganda bullshit!

okay, that was harsh.

so anyway, source based was on north korea, south korea and US r/s.
what the hell, dude. what the hell.
like i give a fuck about politics.
dirty politics.
im so not gonna get involved.
leadership's all about politics.
fuck politics.

so anyway, i spammed on sbq like i usually do,
until i had it longer than my seq.
i didn't hold much hope for seq anyway.
the deterrence/diplomacy,
everything i studied on it was clear off my head.
so, fuck that.

globalisation, i didn't even touch.
so that one, die even more than the deterrence/diplomacy one.
so overall, die.

my mum just came in and threatened to take my computer away.
fuck that lar, let me live my life. i like what.

so anyway, ss can go and die lar.

- Chemistry -
i didn't work my hardest for this one;

having totally forgotten
about the mcq tests on edulearn,
i did the 10 year series.
a little of the 10 year series.
and it left me pretty disturbed cause
my organic chem and a lot other stuff cannot make it
so i didnt wanna do.

anyway, mcq was badass.
spent like 1 whole hour on it.
ended up not finishing the paper,
don't wanna talk about it any more.

- Pure Geography -

i had a lotta pressure on me for this one,

cause i went together with loklam, jacob and weihao
for mrs goh's little lesson.
i chose natural vegetation.
naturally, cause its easy. easiest topic ever, out of the whole geog syllabus.
and i chose food, cause i didnt touch tourism.
turned out to be a good choice, tourism got 2 LDQ lol. :D
i don't know whether i'll do well or screw up.
human geog, >50% of screwing up.
physical geog, <50% of screwing up.
nice balance huh. -.-
scared ._.

- Additional Mathematics -

same as e maths, paper 1 easy, paper 2 die.
okay lah, paper 1 QUITE easy.
after all, i'm still unsure about the trigonometric identites question
and the differentiate hence integrate question.
well, whatever.

paper 2, die.
setter, ee ah hong.
i didn't bother myself about that
i didn't even see the setter when i started the paper.
i only realised, when yx posted it as his fb status.

so anyway,
i skipped the entire geometrical proof question.
i skipped part of the kinematics question.
so, die lar. :/

diediediedie DIE BITCH!

- Elective English Literature -

Last paper for the term.
i think i might actually do well for this one.
i did the character essay.
the one about the 2 adult women of Maycomb.
i wrote about alexandra and maudie.
i couldn't recall much about maudie.
but well, what i wrote should do.
didn't quote much ):
i quoted abit more about alexandra.
intheend, managed to fill in about 2.5 pages.
that's one and a quarter sheets of paper.

the unseen, i did alot better for the first question.
cause i couldn't finish the second question.
so what i learnt is,
no matter what,
for lit,
at least you'd get something out of it.


so, my nightmare.
consisted of, a spider crawling up my pillow,
then it went to a corner and changed into a bird,
and ate fish,
then it flew across my bed and it changed into a cat,
and then it changed into a tiger,
and backed me to a wall.

great, a newfound fear for tigers.
