Thursday, June 10, 2010

100th post!

this is a spastic looking white tiger, a product of inbreeding.
yeah, its kinda sad.
thanks mr goh for the interesting bio lesson today.
though, i didn't really study for the mcq test :/
but hey, i stayed up till 2 last night to figure out the worksheet kay.
still, the only part where i managed to get right is the question asking for a summary of the synthesis of proteins.
and i still mentioned extra stuffs that weren't needed but anyway._.
i stayed up till 2+am to finish the worksheet yo!
though i admit, i had one whole week to finish it.
well, i wouldn't have to stay up till 2 to finish the worksheet if i didn't lose the dang thing in the first place :/

so anyway, this is the 100th post on . happy 100th post my dear blogg! ^^

I intended to wake up at 5:20am today, but i ended up waking at 6:30am anyway.

so today, we had this interesting bio lesson on impact on ecosystem, which wasn't really new (cause i take geog). though, it was interesting.i loved the spastic looking white tiger. though its kinda sad. made me feel spastic myself though, cause the lesson wasn't so dry (unlike the past few chapters on cell division and inheritance and DNA and whatnots, yawnyawn) and i was giggling throughout the lesson. practically shaking with laughter, HAHAHAHAHA. but the funny stopped when it came to the worksheet, cause it ain't really funny when you spend one day plus over a bloody worksheet and you get half of the damn thing wrong. ain't it. and the mcq test, cause i didnt study (i decided to trust my memory) dunno whether say easy or hard. :/ oh well. that's what you get when you don't study ._. so study okay people. STUDY!

so after bio, there was a "relax" chem session. it was, sort of, because all we had to do is the section A of one paper. and it ain't really that hard cause after every answer you write you can always glance up at the answer sheet and fill in whatever's missing (: so after that was like eleven thirty already, and i decided to study. so i grabbed lunch and went to the study area above the grandstand.


but i couldn't. i was doing the emaths distinction questions and there's one really simple one asking for the similarity of triangles. in a circle (: and i was stuck there spacing out when the AAA similarities due to angles in the same segment were right smack in my face.

out of the 2 - 3 hours i spent "studying", about half the time was spent spacing out, chatting with guochang(: talking to chaoqun (: and gerald (: and taking loooong walks to the piano outside the band room, play it and to the canteen but no stall was open so i went back...and sit back something...and again. then, i get really restless. after each addmath question i rest my head on the table and "sleep" for 2-3 minutes (as if that is considered "sleep".) and then i walk to the ledge/parapet/WHATEVER! and gaze into space, and i watch the ncc people doing some stuff with their rifles and watch the scouts at the grandstand doing idunnowhat, and watch that noisy machine peel up the rubber track for some idunnowhat reason. so i decided i wasn't being productive at all, so i went home. and, that was my day.

ARGH, why am i blogging about today, i still have 2.5 days of hawaii and pop to blog about. i feel guilty :/ okay okay. next time! (:

just let me say one last something! :D

people who don't know me, don't know me.
people who know me, but don't really know me, think im still a kid.
people who know me pretty well, know i've got leg hair.
people who really know me, know i've got leg hair and that i'm nice.
people who really know me really well, know that i've got leg hair, i'm nice, and that i'm still a kid inside. :D

get the difference, haha. (:
awww man. being critical sucks D:
forget it, i shouldn't be so stiff about who knows me and who's my friend and whatnot. LET'S ALL BE FRIENDS OKAY :D

im really signing off now. i need dinner.

and then, i need to mug.
good nights everyone.
enjoy your evening.
study hard! (:
